RCIS provides insurance and services through leading agents to help protect America’s farmers and ranchers. We’ve been an industry innovator since the crop insurance business was privatized by the federal government in 1980. Today RCIS is one of the leaders in the crop insurance industry, offering insurance protection in all 50 states through a national network of about 3,600 professionally trained and licensed agents.

RCIS Private Products
See Duane or Jason for more information on any of the products provided by RCIS.
- Added Price Option (APO)
- Added Revenue Price Option (ARPO)
- Hail Production Plan (HPP)
- Late Plant Option (LPO)
- Loss of Production (LOP)
- Replant Optioin with Early Bird (RO)
- RPowerD
- Crop-Hail
- Wind Coverage Endorsements for Corn

RCIS Producers services
About RCIS producer services –RCIS provides insurance and services through leading agents to help protect America’s farmers and ranchers. We’ve been an innovator in crop insurance since the crop insurance business was privatized by the federal government in 1980. Today RCIS is one of the leaders in the crop insurance industry, offering insurance protection in all 50 states through a national network of about 3,800 professionally trained and licensed agents.
Electronic Funds Transfer –Transferring money from insurance claims doesn’t require a prolonged waiting period or a trail of papers. With electronic funds transfer, payments can be deposited directly into your account within two business days of the claim payment date quickly and securely. Contact your agent today to enroll.
Online Documents – With online documents, you can easily set up an account in the Producer Portal, allowing you to view and digitally sign documents, including claims. Easily route documents back to your agent. Access your crop insurance policy at any time by simply entering your policy number and county on RCIS.com.
Online Payments for Producers – RCIS policyholders can make crop insurance payments online rather than mailing chekcs to RCIS. It’s convenient, accessible 24/7 and payments post within two business days. Click on “Make a Payment” from the home page of either RCIS.com or RCIS.com for Producers.
Precision Farming – Complete acreage reports faster and easier. Your agent can upload GPS-based planting data into RCIS mapping and CIMax® systems for acreage reporting using RCIS portal services. Saves time. Maximizes efficiency. If you use Ag Leader’s SMS™ Software or Trimble’s Farm Works™ Mapping software, you can now submit your field data electronically via RCIS’ Precision Farming service. This user friendly technology is now available for RCIS producers.
This is not guaranteed to be a comprehensive list of all products and services available from RCIS. Contact us for a personal consultation to determine what may be the best option for your operation and situation.